The ranks of radio's stars are thinning. Several performers, some of them network pioneers, are switching to television this fall. In the group are Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Burns and Allen, Fred Allen, and maybe Fred Waring.

Among the perennials who will be working in both mediums this fall are Bob Hope, Groucho Marx, Fibber McGee and Molly, Arthur Godfrey, Gene Autry, Amos and Andy, and Edgar Bergen.

It looks as if NBC's big night again will be Tuesday. Heading the bill will be Bob Hope, Fanny Brice, Fibber and Molly, and possibly Phil Harris and Alice Faye, should they make a reported move from Sunday. Carrying the ball the remainder of the week will be Marx, Ed Gardner, Dennis Day and Judy Canova.

CBS' pay-off night will be Sunday again. The lineup for a solid two hour laugh barrage will Jack Benny, Edgar Bergen, Amos and Andy, and Red Skelton. During the week it will be Bing Crosby, Arthur Godfrey, and Autry.

Nina Hill of Idlewild, Mich., was named winner of Dick [Two Ton] Baker's Name-the-Bear-Cub contest conducted for several weeks over W-G-N. She named the cub "Juglyn," a combination of Jughead and Deborah Lynn, Baker's offspring whose machinations Dick discusses frequently on his morning program. The bear, residing in a special cage at Lincoln park zoo, was a gift from Singer Danny O'Neil.

An hour long comedy based on Marion Hargrove's best seller "See Here, Private Hargrov," will be presented on MGM Theater Friday night over W-G-N. The principal roles will be played by Hollywood folk including Edie Albert as Hargrove, Robert Alda as Mulvehill, and Lola Albright as the Red Cross assistant.

© Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1950

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